" This is an experiment. IDL's structure is simple enough to permit a full
" grammar based approach to rather than using a few heuristics. The result
" is large and somewhat repetative but seems to work.
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Misc basic
syn match idlId contained "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
syn match idlSemiColon contained ";"
syn match idlCommaArg contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn region idlArraySize1 contained start=:\[: end=:\]: skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlArraySize1,idlSemiColon,idlCommaArg contains=idlArraySize1,idlLiteral
syn match idlSimpDecl contained "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon,idlCommaArg,idlArraySize1
syn region idlSting contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\(\\\\\)*"+ end=+"+
syn match idlLiteral contained "[1-9]\d*\(\.\d*\)\="
syn match idlLiteral contained "\.\d\+"
syn keyword idlLiteral contained TRUE FALSE
" Comments
syn keyword idlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn region idlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=idlTodo
syn match idlComment "//.*" contains=idlTodo
syn match idlCommentError "\*/"
" C style Preprocessor
syn region idlIncluded contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\(\\\\\)*"+ end=+"+
syn match idlIncluded contained "<[^>]*>"
syn match idlInclude "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include\>[ \t]*["<]" contains=idlIncluded,idlString
syn region idlPreCondit start="^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\|elif\>\|else\>\|endif\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=idlComment,idlCommentError
syn region idlDefine start="^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(define\>\|undef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=idlLiteral, idlString
" Constants
syn keyword idlConst const skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseType,idlBaseTypeInt
" Attribute
syn keyword idlROAttr readonly skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlAttr
syn keyword idlAttr attribute skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseTypeInt,idlBaseType
" Types
syn region idlD4 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl contains=idlSeqType,idlBaseTypeInt,idlBaseType,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlSeqType contained sequence skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD4
syn keyword idlBaseType contained float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn keyword idlBaseTypeInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn keyword idlBaseType contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseTypeInt
syn region idlD1 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlBaseType contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD1,idlSimpDecl
syn match idlBaseType contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
" Modules
syn region idlModuleContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon contains=idlUnion,idlStruct,idlEnum,idlInterface,idlComment,idlTypedef,idlConst,idlException,idlModule
syn match idlModuleName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlModuleContent,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlModule module skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlModuleName
" Interfaces
syn region idlInterfaceContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon contains=idlUnion,idlStruct,idlEnum,idlComment,idlROAttr,idlAttr,idlOp,idlOneWayOp,idlException,idlConst,idlTypedef
syn match idlInheritFrom2 contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom
syn match idlInheritFrom contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom2,idlInterfaceContent
syn match idlInherit contained ":" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom
syn match idlInterfaceName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterfaceContent,idlInherit,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlInterface interface skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterfaceName
" Raises
syn keyword idlRaises contained raises skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlSemiColon
" Context
syn keyword idlContext contained context skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlSemiColon
" Operation
syn match idlParmList contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpParms
syn region idlArraySize contained start="\[" end="\]" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlArraySize,idlParmList contains=idlArraySize,idlLiteral
syn match idlParmName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmList,idlArraySize
syn keyword idlParmInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn keyword idlParmType contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmInt
syn region idlD3 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlParmType contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD3,idlParmName
syn keyword idlParmType contained void float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn match idlParmType contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn keyword idlOpParms contained in out inout skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmType
syn region idlOpContents contained start="(" end=")" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlSemiColon contains=idlOpParms
syn match idlOpName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpContents
syn keyword idlOpInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn region idlD2 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlOp contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpInt
syn keyword idlOp contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD2,idlOpName
syn keyword idlOp contained void float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn match idlOp contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn keyword idlOp contained void skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn keyword idlOneWayOp contained oneway skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idOp
" Enum
syn region idlEnumContents contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon, idlSimpDecl contains=idlId,idlComment
syn match idlEnumName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlEnumContents
syn keyword idlEnum enum skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlEnumName
" Typedef
syn keyword idlTypedef typedef skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseType, idlBaseTypeInt, idlSeqType
" Struct
syn region idlStructContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon, idlSimpDecl contains=idlBaseType, idlBaseTypeInt, idlSeqType,idlComment, idlEnum, idlUnion
syn match idlStructName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructContent
syn keyword idlStruct struct skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructName
" Exception
syn keyword idlException exception skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructName
" Union
syn match idlColon contained ":" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCase,idlSeqType,idlBaseType,idlBaseTypeInt
syn region idlCaseLabel contained start="" skip="::" end=":"me=e-1 skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlColon contains=idlLiteral,idlString
syn keyword idlCase contained case skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCaseLabel
syn keyword idlCase contained default skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlColon
syn region idlUnionContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSemiColon,idlSimpDecl contains=idlCase
syn region idlSwitchType contained start="(" end=")" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionContent
syn keyword idlUnionSwitch contained switch skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSwitchType
syn match idlUnionName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionSwitch
syn keyword idlUnion union skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionName
syn sync lines=200
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_idl_syntax_inits")